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League of Legends 5v5 ARAM Competition

POSTED BY SacksofWine June 15, 2021

This will be a 5v5 ARAM competition. Default rules for ARAM apply. ARAM in League of Legends stands for All Random All Mid. All players will have to report in no later than 11:30 PDT 14:30 EDT in the Military Gaming League Discord. This competition is open to the MGL community and as such requires each participant be registered via the MGL discord. During the competition each team will have to be in the MGL discord during play. There is no requirement before or after.

All entry fees will be used as prize money. The more players that join the higher the prize pool. Each player will be required to pay $5. This excludes members that are patreon members.

Entry into this tournament will be paid to

Registration can be done here

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