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We Remember

POSTED BY MagicMan808 May 27, 2019

It was a cold wintry February day in 2008 and Sgt. Craig was heading home from Iraq. His wife, mother and father, family and friends all waited while his plane arrived. As the plane’s main door opened, a soldier stepped out and waited outside of the plane. He looked back at the main door of the plane, a flag draped casket appeared. Sgt. Craig was home. The casket was slowly lowered from the plane as Sgt. Craig’s family slowly approached to welcome their hero home. As Sgt. Craig’s family approached the casket, and a hand was placed on the flag, time stood still. I never met Sgt. Craig, nor did I know who he was until that day on the flight line. The events of that day will always stay with me as I always knew what Memorial Day was for, but it wasn’t until that cold wintry day in February that I truly saw what this day means for so many families across America.- MagicMan808 (US Army Vet)

Today, we here at Military Gaming League remember our brothers and sisters in arms who gave their tomorrows for us today. We honor them and we never forget. As we celebrate the lives of our brothers and sisters who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country, please know that you are not alone in grief and pain. If you are thinking about hurting yourself, please reach out to someone.

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Till Valhalla.

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